Baron Dental Laboratory

In 2020, we integrated Baron Dental Laboratory into our clinic to enhance our professional success and elevate the quality of care we provide to our valued patients.

Located just 300 meters from our clinic, Baron Dental Laboratory features a skilled team and cutting-edge services utilizing the latest technological advancements. Our experienced staff in oral and dental health ensures top-tier service using CE-certified products and state-of-the-art 3D software and hardware tools.

Benefits of our in-house dental laboratory for our patients include:

  • Elimination of communication barriers between dentists and dental technicians.
  • Direct communication during planning and design stages, facilitating the easy exchange of ideas.
  • Laboratory team involvement in patient care and model review before the commencement of work.
  • Opportunity to visit the laboratory and discuss expectations during the design phase.
  • Expedited access to high-quality services.
  • Emergency dental care within 24 hours for urgent cases.
  • Flexible scheduling to accommodate your needs.

Experience the privilege of superior dental care.